Before God - Defiance - odlican americki death metal bend. Poznajem osobno gitarista i tekstopisca, po majci je porijeklom iz Hrvatske. jako dobar momak...
Do you think I'll watch my culture be destroyed in vain? NO, NEVER!!! Do you think I'll bow down and go with the grain? NO, NEVER!!! Do you think I'll follow false prophets to my doom? NO, NEVER!!! Do you think the end of our race is coming soon? NO, NEVER!!!
Defiance to you and all you stand for? Defiance to you and your kind! Defiance to you and all you stand for? Defiance to you and your kind!
...Do you think I'll watch my culture be destroyed in vain? NO, NEVER!!! Do you think I'll bow down and go with the grain? NO, NEVER!!! Do you think I'll follow false prophets to my doom? NO, NEVER!!! Do you think the end of our race is coming soon? NO, NEVER!!! Do you think you have us in your stranglehold? NO, NEVER!!! Do you think I'll sit back and watch our cultures demise? NO, NEVER!!! Will I ever surrender or compromise? NO, NEVER!!!
Da, baš se vidi njegova nadarenost.. Više lyricsa ima u koračnicama naših vojnika- novaka iz Karlovca il Knina.. ovo je pjesma .. Bill Withers - Ain't No Sunshine.Mp3
Pa Ed je jedan od najboljih tekstopisaca po meni. Dobro, ova pjesma zaista nije primjer njegovog talenta, ali inace mu jako dobro idu pisati tekstovi. Meni osobno posebno "leze", jer u gotovo svakoj pjesmi pronadjem nesto sto me podsjeca na neki dogadjaj iz moga zivota ili na nesto sto meni puno znaci...
Evo jos jedna pjesma koju je on napisao, od benda Bound for Glory:
You gave your life in a foreign land Did anybody ever give a damn? You fought for democracy never knowing why That it's not your land, why should you die? You became a pawn in the government's game Giving your life for someone else's gain Your number was picked, you answered the call While some had given little, you had given all [chorus] Rest in peace, unknown soldier The guns are now silent, the war is over There's no more bombs, no more flames To die was your only way out of this game Rest in peace, unknown soldier The guns are no silent, the war is over The jungles are now quiet, the fallen etched in stone One day we know you'll make it back home Sent off to battle to fight a politician's war Still never knowing what you were fighting for You were just another number, just another screw Out to protect the interests of the chosen few You fought pitched battles, facing constant heat Now the enemy is living on your old street The one-world government opened the door and let them in While leading men to slaughter that they couldn't win [repeat chorus] You still don't know if your name is unknown You don't know if you ever made it home Your family doesn't know where you lie They haven't a clue to whether you're dead or alive Unknown soldier in a cold, shallow grave We know you were courageous, we know you were brave You gave your life in a foreign land I want you to know that I give a damn
Odlican britanski bend sa kraja 70tih, pocetka 80tih, ciji je zivotni put jos vise fascinantan od same glazbe. Meni omiljena pjesma, koja je najvise utjecala prije pet godina da postanem ovo sto jesam...
Back with a bang now!
Do you remember in summer back in 1978? When they reckoned that the s******* days were numbered And the papers dripped with liquid hate Being patriotic's not the fashion so they say To fly your country's flag's a crime Society tried its best to kill you But the spirit lives until the end of time
(chorus) Back with a bang, now! Back with the gang, now! Back with a bang, now! Back with gang, now! 2 - 3 - 4!
Reckoned every s******* was a bad man Enough to make an honest man be sick And they filled the papers with this rubbish every day Never missed a dirty little trick, what did I say...
And still today they keep on lying Four years on and they still ain't learned That the s******* way of life is getting stronger every day And we are never gonna turn
Blue Lion Millwall wrote: pink wrote: ribafish wrote: NARODNA - SIJEM ZITO [DJ Seljo i DJ Čoban REMIX].mp3 Zasto imam dojam da taman da je ribafish napisao da slusa srednjovjekovne crkvene arije svi biste bili zadivljeni time i klanjali mu se?
ja mu se ne klanjam....stovise...meni je smjesno to kako bi bilo tko mogao slusati nesto takvo
Evo, One Beat, skidam ja svojom jadnom 56k vezicom i nestrpljivo išćekujem, al mi se nekako čini da je već Colonia i ta pjesma previše puta isfurana i više nemože i neće biti hit...