Upravo sam ovo dobio od jedne frendice iz Britanije, i zaista vjerujem da je istinit dogadjaj. Ja sam umirao od smijeha kada sam procitao. Nadam se da nece biti problem posto je na engleskom, ne da mi se citav mail prevoditi:
This actually happened to a friend. A male friend walked in to a public toilet where he found two cublicles, of which one was already occupied. He entered the other and closed the door, dropped his trousers and sat down. A voice came from the next cubicle: "Hello mate, how are you going?" He thought it a bit strange, but not wanting to be rude he replied, "Yeah, not too bad thanks!" After a short pause, he heard the voice again, "So what are you up to mate?" Again he answered, somewhat reluctantly it must be said. Unsure what to say, he replied "Umm, just having a quick poo... How about yourself?" He then heard the voice for the third time... "Sorry mate, I'll have to call you back. I've got some dickhead in the look next to me answering everything I say."